M/Others Who Make 10th Birthday Party, photo by Mika Rosenfeld
M/Others Who Make is an international initiative connecting and supporting women and non binary people to thrive in their creative paths, alongside sustaining their caring roles, of self and others. We aim to enrich our community through peer support, mentorship, events, scratch work sharings, and creative opportunities.
At M/Others Who Make we celebrate care, cultivate creativity, and support connection.
Photo by Mika Rosenfeld
Consciously Celebrating Care and Creativity
Welcoming and valuing the different roles you hold, as care-giver, as friend, partner, m/other, child, sibling – and the creative ones – as a maker of stories, songs, paintings, costumes, cakes, photos, pots, poems and more. During our events, the presence of children or other dependents is always welcomed. We support you to make the decisions that are best for your care.
Photo by Mika Rosenfeld
Radically Supporting Connection
Championing the power of peer support. We believe in the profound and transformative power of meeting one another as equals no matter who you are, and whatever your experience has been. We share skills and resources that enable us to support one other to find the answers we need.
Photo by Mika Rosenfeld