Summer Dates:
Wed 12 June | 10.30am - 12noon | Peer Support Meeting - Studio Theatre
Tues 25 June | 7-9pm | “Show and Tell” - Studio Theatre
Wed 10 July | 10.30am - 12noon | “Show and Tell” - Conference Room upstairs (lift access)
Tues 23 July | 7-9pm | Peer Support Meeting: Theme - Self Care - Dance Studio
Wed 7 Aug | 10.30am -12noon | Summer Special - “Crafts for Kids” - Conference Room upstairs (lift access)
Tues 20 Aug | 6 - 8pm | *NOTE EARLIER START TIME*: Summer Special Family Activities - On the field outside The Point Theatre.
Autumn Dates
Weds 4 Sept | 10.30-12noon | Peer Support Meeeting: Theme - Summer Reflections - On the field outside The Point Theatre.
Tues 17 Sept | 7-9pm | Marketing Masterclass and Panel Q&A - The Atrium area of The Point Theatre
Wed 2 Oct | 10.30am - 12noon |Peer Support Meeting: Theme - Strengths and Hurdles - Conference Room upstairs (lift access)
Tues 15 Oct | 7-9pm | “After Dark” Masterclass: Theme - TBC - Conference Room upstairs (lift access)
Wed 30 Oct | 10.30am - 12noon |Peer Support Meeting followed by group trip to see “Stella” by Filskit Theatre - Dance studio
Tues 12 Nov | 7-9pm | “After Dark” Meeting: Theme - TBC - Studio Theatre
Wed 27 Nov |10.30 - 12noon | Peer Support Meeting: Theme - TBC - Studio Theatre
Winter Dates
Tues 10 Dec | 7-9pm | “After Dark” Meeting: Theme - TBC - Studio Theatre
Wed 18 Dec | 10.30am - 12noon | Christmassy session - Studio Theatre
Wed 8 Jan ‘20 | 10.30am - 12noon | Peer Support Meeting: Theme - TBC
Tues 21Jan ‘20 | 7-9pm | “After Dark” Meeting: Theme - TBC
Wed 5 Feb ‘20 | 10.30am - 1pm | MWM Eastleigh’s 1st Birthday Party!
The Point, Leigh Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 9DE
The Point is located in Eastliegh town centre, a short walk from Eastliegh Station and the Swan Shopping Centre where you are able to pay for all day parking.
Our meetings will usually take place in the Studio.
£5/£3 (cash on the day)
No need to book
Sarah Shepherd
E: Sarah [at] filskittheatre.com
M: 07747621244
Facilitated by:
MWM Eastleigh is facilitated by:
Sarah Shephard – theatre maker, teacher, mother
Sophie Ross - actor, crafter, singer, mother
The first meeting in February 2019 was be facilitated by Zoe Gardner (MWM North London) - actor, mother
“We are very excited to be launching this hub at The Point. Artists of all disciplines who identify as Mothers are invited to join us to share their experience of this crazy journey that is mothering and making.”
“This is an invitation for you to come and join a quiet revolution: an Eastleigh branch of Mothers Who Make, the growing national initiative aimed at supporting mothers who are artists.
Every kind of maker is welcome - professional and/or passionate –in any discipline and at any stage on their creative paths - writers, painters, performers, film makers, dancers, producers, musicians, crafters…
Every kind of mother is welcome - biological, adoptive, step, surrogate, foster, bereaved, grand, great grand, to be ….
Also please feel free to bring along your children, of any age, whether they are inside you, beside you or running round the room. Mothers with older children (not in the room!) are also extremely welcome.”