1) I am a mother but I have not made anything professionally, can I still join?
YES. Emphatically yes. Mothers Who Make is open to anyone who identifies with the challenges and joys of sustaining their creative life whilst mothering. You do not need to be professional or have any particular making experience in order to connect and participate, be that on line or at a hub.
2) I am a maker but I am not a mother (yet) – can I still join?
Yes. You are very welcome. The more conversations we can have with one another from our different stages along our diverse paths the better.
3) My partner does half of the childcare and he is also a maker and faces similar challenges to me, can he join or come along to meetings?
Whilst there are MWM events that are open to fathers and other carers, we do operate a female-only policy at our core monthly meetings. The short answer as to why this is, is that it still feels like a valuable thing to do, to have a space to honour the differences which persist in the experiences of those in the role of ‘mother’ to those in the role of ‘father.’ For a fuller explanation of the reason for this practice please read Matilda’s blog post “Balancing Everything”.
4) What happens at a MWM meeting?
It varies, but there are some things that are a constant: children are welcome to attend, of any age, although the meeting is for you, the adults. You will be equally valued and equally visible in your dual roles of mother and maker. The basic structure of a meeting is a talking circle- a chance for each participant to share what’s up for them in their mothering/ making. However other structures are possible and we are constantly evolving and responding to what’s wanted and needed. Other meetings have involved: guest speakers, creative workshops, skill swaps, sharings of work, exchanging childcare.
5) I am not based in the UK, can I join?
Yes! You can certainly engage in our online community, on this site and on FB. At present all the hubs are UK-based but we are open and excited by the idea of expanding the model to be an international one. Do get in touch if you want to discuss this: matilda@motherswhomake.org