Matilda Leyser
“It is incredibly hard to make the time to make, and yet it is vital. I remember a few months into motherhood, sitting on the bed late at night with my baby asleep beside me and wracking my brains to figure out how to make myself accountable to someone, in order to mean that I would have to prioritise my making work even in the midst of mothering. At the time I never dreamt I would make myself accountable to an entire network of other mothers across the UK, but it is the best answer I have yet found to the conundrum.””
Matilda is a theatre-maker, writer and artistic director of Mothers Who Make. Prior to becoming a mother she worked for 10 years as a circus aerialist, collaborating with diverse theatre and dance companies and making her own work. She came down to earth in 2008 and became an Associate Director with Improbable. She became a mother in 2012 and considers motherhood, and her writing, to be far more dangerous endeavours than being a circus aerialist.