Mothers Who Make Devon and Spork! present ‘Mothers on the Mic’, a series of online workshops and open mic events across June led by Mother Artists for mothers/carers/mothers to be/people who birth.
Liv Torc invites you to take part in a fun, accessible, creative workshop, based around parenting and poetry during lockdown. Liv will be asking, how as mothers and artists can we keep meeting, sharing and creating in a time of social distancing?
Participants will be invited to share extracts of their work in an Open Mic style sharing on Monday 29 June at 10am, 1pm or 8pm. Each sharing will be closed to workshop participants and headlined by either Hannah Silva, Charlotte Mooney, Shagufta K Iqbal or Liv Torc. Participation is optional. The event will be recorded for a podcast.
LIV TORC is a Spoken word poet, producer, teacher, mother and inventor of the Haiflu. A Radio 4 Slam Winner, former Bard of Exeter and current co-host of The Hip Yak Poetry Shack, Liv Torc is a poet and performer who runs the spoken-word stage at WOMAD, has performed at Glastonbury Festival and represented Somerset for the BBC’s National Poetry Day celebrations. Her recent climate change in the face of motherhood poem ‘The Human Emergency’ has been seen online by over 75,000 people across the world. Since the lockdown Liv has moved her creative practice online, running regular Zoom workshops and gigs. She has also been making a weekly film of crowd-sourced haiku and photographs, documenting the social history of the times, called Project Haiflu, which has been featured in The Times.
As part of the workshop Liv will be inviting workshop participants to write their own haiflu to contribute to the project.
Cost workshops and open mic sharing: £6
10 places available. (Funded places available)
This event is currently fully booked