Mothers Who Make is an international grass roots movement, dedicated to supporting the dual role of mothers and maker/artist/creative. Our North London hub aims to connect local mother makers through peer support meetings, sharing event, workshops and online discussion. 

Who is it for? Every kind of maker is welcome- professional and/or passionate – writers, painters, performers, film makers, musicians, technicians, producers, bakers, crafters, taxidermists, academics …. Every kind of mother/non binary parent is welcome - biological, adoptive, step, surrogate, foster, bereaved, grand, great grand, to be ….

Children, of any age, are welcome. Your dual role as mother and maker is given equal status at all our events.

We want as many people as possible to be part of the unfolding MWM conversations. Our reach is across generations and art forms – we are thrilled by the plurality of voices that are part of this discussion.

Every MWM hub shares a common ethos and practice but is able to grow and develop in response to the needs and interests of the regional artists that attend it. You are invited to join and help shape this inspiring and growing movement.


2021 events:

Peer Support:

These meetings aim to give you the space to explore your creative practice and identities alongside your caring roles. We have a core peer-support talking circle structure which we explain at the start of every meeting. Each meeting is facilitated by a local mother-artist and together we explore the emergent themes in our mothering and making, points of connection between the two roles, points of dissonance, particular challenges, helpful resources. The meetings are non-hierarchical, the facilitator acts as a guide to take you through the meeting, but also share as a fellow mother maker.

Monthly, Fridays 10.30am-12noon

Jan 21st, Feb 25th, March 25th, Apr 29th, May 20th, June 17th, July 8th 2022

The Mother Den:

Come in and share what you are making… The Mother Den is a safe, supportive space, into which you can climb for an hour of your day, and share what you are making, or dreaming about making. You could read a poem, a paragraph, try out a song, show a painting, a costume, or a cake. Or you might just want to share how it’s going, or not going, or the idea you have had but have not yet begun to work on. You can ask for specific feedback, or just be witnessed, or encouraged. A den for ideas, half-made, newly-grown, whatever you are sheltering…. You can also chose to come to witness and support. We have space for 6 mother makers to share and 10 witnesses.

10-11am on the following dates:

Wed Jan 12th, Tues Feb 8th, Wed March 9th, (no session in April), Tues May 10th, Wed June 1st, Tues July 19th 2022


Both events are £3/£5  * If cost is a barrier please get in touch as we are committed to offer a limited number of free spaces. 


Email Zoe:


Currently all meeting take place online using Zoom.

When we meet in person we meet at The Place.17 Duke’s Road, London WC1H 9PY


Connect on Facebook:


Facilitated by:

MWM is facilitated by a collective of local
mother – makers:

Zoe Gardner
Miki Shaw

We are enjoying building up this community and seeing people come from across and outside London as well as nearby.

We’re excited to find a home at such a centrally-located and vibrant venue and look forward to welcoming new faces from near and far. Come regularly or when you can, with your children or without - get the support you need, at any stage of your creative career or journey, be it thrashing out the practicalities or finding permission to make your dreams take shape.
— Zoe & Miki

We also have a hub in South London based at BAC.
